Mid-West® Instrument has the capability to supply its customers with a wide variety of dials. Whether a customer’s application requires a standard dial or a custom dial scale, we have the experience to design and produce the exact dial face that is needed.
Mid-West® Instrument offers a wide selection of standard dial scale options across our product lines. Available dial sizes include 2-1/2”, 3-1/2”, 4-1/2” and 6“. The differential pressure units of measurement include PSID, IN. H2O, kPa, bar and mbar. Dials are available with one or two scales and can be calibrated on ascending or descending pressure. All dial scale options are compatible with glycerin or silicone when liquid filling the dial cases.

Some of our products are offered with bi-directional dial scales. The zero point is in the center of the scale and the pointer reads downscale or upscale from that point (e.g. 10-0-10 PSID).
Dials with color bands are often used to quickly identify when an industrial process is optimal or safe. Various filtration systems use DP gauges with multi-color dial bands to identify how much time remains before the filter element requires service. For instance, green means that the filter is good, yellow indicates it is time to change the element, and red means that the element is dirty and needs to be changed immediately.
Mid-West® Instrument also manufactures gauges that display flow rates. The dials on these gauges are frequently referred to as square root dials. A few of the units of measure printed on the dials include: GPM, SCFM, kg/sec, liters/min, and SQ RT.
Several of the dials used in the cryogenic market to measure the amount of liquid in the tanks are specific to each installation. We work with each customer individually to calculate and design dials for their unique applications. Typical units of measure are pounds, tons, kilograms, inches of water and millimeters of water.
We specialize in private labeling our products so customers can add specific information and personalized artwork on the dials. You have the option to supply high resolution graphics or request that we recreate your artwork using CAD. Our in house printing process allows for short lead times and no minimum quantities.
Custom options include:
- Company logos, contact information and private branded artwork
- Multi-color sector bands and lines
- Specialty scales and units such as torque, percent and weight
- Non-cataloged ranges
- Other options are available upon request.